GEO Board Committees

The Audit and Finance Committee reviews and oversees the company’s independent auditor, quarterly and annual financial statements and reporting, and the company’s internal accounting controls.
  • Terry Mayotte, Chairman 
  • Donna A. Kauranen
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Andrew N. Shapiro
The Compensation Committee reviews matters related to executive compensation for corporate officers, as well as for corporate and key field employees. The committee also reviews the company’s program for succession and management development. 


  • Terry Mayotte, Chairman
  • Dr. Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Andrew N. Shapiro
The Corporate Planning Committee periodically reviews with management various corporate strategic initiatives, including potential merger and acquisition activities, business expansion issues and corporate finance matters. 


  • Andrew N. Shapiro, Chairman
  • Dr. Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC
  • Jack Brewer 
  • Donna A. Kauranen
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Lindsay L. Koren
  • Julie M. Wood
The Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation Committee guides and oversees the Company’s efforts regarding rehabilitation, anti-recidivism, and protection of human rights.


  • Jack Brewer, Chairman
  • Dr.Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Lindsay L. Koren
  • Julie M. Wood
The Cybersecurity and Environmental Oversight Committee guides and oversees the Company’s efforts regarding cybersecurity, privacy, and environmental sustainability concerns.


  • Julie M. Wood, Chair
  • Terry Mayotte
  • Andrew N. Shapiro
Periodically, members of the Executive Committee informally discussed various matters relating to GEO’s business. The Executive Committee has full authority to exercise all the powers of the board of directors between meetings of the board of directors, except as reserved by the board of directors. All actions taken by the Executive Committee at any given time are then ratified by the board of directors at their next quarterly meeting. 


  • George C. Zoley, Chairman
  • Donna A. Kauranen
  • Terry Mayotte
  • Andrew Shapiro
The Health Services Committee reviews with management various issues relating to GEO's Health Services division, both domestically and internationally.
Dr. Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC, Chairman

Jack Brewer

Scott Kernan

Lindsay L. Koren

The Human Rights Committee guides and oversees the Company’s efforts regarding the protection of human rights.

  • Lindsay L. Koren, Chair
  • Jack Brewer
  • Scott M. Kernan
The Independent Committee considers matters that may arise from time to time that the board of directors designates for independent director review. 


  • Terry Mayotte, Chairman
  • Dr. Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC
  • Jack Brewer
  • Donna A. Kauranen
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Lindsay L. Koren
  • Andrew Shapiro
  • Julie M. Wood
The Legal Steering Committee reviews with management strategic issues with respect to material litigation and other discrete legal issues. 


  • Lindsay L. Koren, Chair
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Julie M. Wood
The nominating and corporate governance committee oversees GEO’s corporate governance guidelines and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. The committee also assesses board membership needs and composition and recommends nominees to GEO’s board of directors. 


  • Terry Mayotte, Chairman
  • Donna A. Kauranen
  • Scott M. Kernan
  • Lindsay L. Koren
  • Andrew N. Shapiro
The Operations and Oversight Committee reviews with management various issues relating to our operations that may arise from time to time. The committee oversees operational risks related to GEO’s various operating divisions including GEO Secure Services and GEO Care.


  • Scott M. Kernan, Chairman
  • Jack Brewer
  • Dr. Thomas C. Bartzokis, MD, FACC
  • Julie M. Wood